Terms & Conditions
Effective date: Aug 18, 2023
TIFFANY M FULLER (“I”, “us”, “we”, or “our”) operates the www.tiffanymfuller.com website (the “Service”).
Therapeutic relationship
Cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH) and coaching provide an advantageous and invaluable way of teaching you how to identify obstacles holding you back and learn new tools to overcome these.
Due to the nature of sharing personal information, identifying and exploring your values, goals, priorities and previous setbacks, it is natural to become emotionally overwhelmed during a session.
You are always in control of where the sessions go, what you want out of them, and how far you would like to delve or be pushed.
Everything discussed is confidential and will be discussed only during supervision with personal details anonymised; you need not disclose anything you feel uncomfortable with. The way in which we work together (i.e. homework, being held accountable to action goals set) is your decision; we can discuss this further during our sessions.
As your therapist I will encourage and support you, providing a safe and non-judgmental environment for you to explore your experiences.
What isn’t CBH?
Stage hypnotherapy.
Medical advice.
How can CBH help?
Teaches you new tools to help you manage and overcome hurdles in your life. These can be utilised during and outside of sessions, meaning independence.
Tackle issues such as anxiety, stress, insomnia/sleeping issues, confidence, self-esteem, phobias, and habits.
Responsibilities of the therapist
Discover, clarify and align what you want to achieve.
Provide psychoeducation and tools.
Assist you in identifying presenting issues that could be stunting action and progression.
Adhere to ethical professional standards in accordance with the General Hypnotherapy Register https://general-hypnotherapy-register.com/code-of-ethics/ (accessed 18/08/23).
Responsibilities of the client
Establish a preferred way of working.
Attendance & punctuality.
Completing homework.
Taking action.
Outcome of sessions.
Assessment Sessions last for up to 90 minutes.
Sessions thereafter last up to 60 minutes.
Guidelines: For the best results new clients are encouraged to commit to at least 6 sessions. Weekly sessions are most effective. A minimum of 1 session per fortnight is recommended for consistency and successful progress.
The client’s privacy and confidentiality are ensured at all times unless the following circumstances occur:
1. The client gives consent for the confidentiality to be broken.
2. I am compelled by a court of law.
3. If the client has expressed explicit intentions to harm themselves or others.
Sessions are paid through bank transfer or cash ahead of the session or in-person at the start of the session. Please see RATES section for pricing (subject to change). All sessions are non-refundable.
Please arrive on time for our session; if you are late the session will still have to end at the original finishing time allocated.
Cancellation & Rescheduling
Please provide a minimum of 24hrs notice prior to the appointment start time to avoid cancellation costs. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled after this will be charged at the full rate (extenuating circumstances will be considered case-by-case).
Changes To These Terms & Conditions
We may update our Terms & Conditions from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new terms & Conditions on this page.
We will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective, and update the “effective date” at the top of these Terms & Conditions.
You are advised to review these Terms & Conditions periodically for any changes. Changes to these Terms & Conditions are effective when they are posted on this page.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us:
- By email: tifffanymayfuller@gmail.com
- By visiting this page on our website: https://www.tiffanymfuller.com/contact/